How Do I Prepare for a Water Aerobics Class?

Preparing for water aerobics should be a time of enjoyment, not dread. If you already know that water aerobics really works, that water aerobics helps build muscle mass while remaining gentle to your body, you should look forward to it.
But, your expectations of water aerobics are probably high, as they should be, and you’re starting to get nervous before your first of many to come aquatic group fitness classes in San Diego, right? OK, we understand, which is why we’re going to help you through it.
What should I eat before water aerobics?
Preparing for water aerobics is a process which you should take seriously if you’re expecting to reap the complete benefits of these classes. Aquatic therapy is great and all, but it’s only as good as your best effort, the same as any other type of exercising.
First, you should know what to eat before attending a class, and we think you should base your choice on the following selection of food:
- Whole-grain pasta – Pasta is filled with carbohydrates, and the whole-grain variants is an overall healthier choice. It will give you a significant energy boost before the class, and if you prepare it with some meat and vegetables, you’ll also get a healthy dose of proteins and vitamins.
- Bagels – Don’t laugh, but bagels are a great pre-water food. They’re rich with carbs, easy to pick up and eat on the fly, and if you go for the whole-grain kind with some lean turkey or peanut butter, you’ll get proteins galore too.
- Bananas – We name thee, banana, the unsung hero of pre-workout food. Bananas are just awesome through-and-through. They’re tasty and easy to eat, provide potassium, and give you the energy you need. No more talking, go grab a banana!
- Eggs – Eggs are also extremely common and, thus, often overlooked. But, eggs are pretty much the perfect food as they contain bits of nearly all the nutrients you need for a balanced meal, making them a great pre-exercising food.
- Smoothies – We’d say smoothies are optional as they are in liquid form and not everybody can take to the waters with their bellies swooshing. But, smoothies are a great choice for a pre-workout energy and vitamin boost.
What should I eat after a water aerobics class?
Don’t think we were going to let you leave without giving you some advice on what to eat after a session of aqua aerobics. Your body needs to recover after a workout, and the food choices you make after water aerobics are just as important as the ones you make before.
- Lean chicken – This will give you the all-needed nutrients and proteins your body is aching for after a good workout. Proteins help your muscles recover and refuel your body, while adding some fresh fruit to the mix will hydrate you and also bring necessary nutrients.
- Eggs – Here they are again folks and they’re not going away! You need protein? Eat an egg! Need vitamin A or B? Eat an egg! You need folate and phosphorus? You’ve guessed it, grab an egg! They will feed your body and help it recover faster!
- Yogurt – But the low-fat kind as you don’t need extra fat in your system after water aerobics, you need protein and other nutrients. Greek yogurt is a great choice as it is usually unsweetened and low-fat.
- Protein bars – Lastly, if you’re pressed for time and haven’t got enough of it for a proper meal, you can also grab a protein bar for the road. However, be careful when choosing which one to have as they vary greatly in taste and nutritional value!
What do you wear for water aerobics?
It seems rather easy to dress for water aerobics, doesn’t it? You put on any swimsuit and you’re good to go! Well, in reality, it’s a bit more complex, as not all swimming attire is a good choice for a water aerobics class.
First of all, you should think about wearing a one-piece swimsuit, as it allows for much more flexibility when doing all the exercises while also being a lot more comfortable for the scenario. However, don’t go for the itsy-bitsy kind as it can lack the comfort you need.
Also, you should think about getting a pair of pool shoes as they not only give you additional traction in water, but are also a great asset for walking around the pool and the locker room.
If you’re on the shy side, bring a cover up or some kind of a dress for the out-of-the-pool moments. This will keep you from getting chilly while also making you feel comfortable if shy. Finally, bring a towel or two as they are always essential for all water-related situations.
How many times a week should you do water aerobics?
When it comes to the frequency of your water aerobics adventures, there is a difference when compared to other types of exercises. Water aerobics is low impact and you can do it more times a week than you could, or should, let’s say, hit the gym.
Three days a week is OK for beginners who are just getting used to the whole idea of aqua aerobics. However, you should try to raise it to four times a week as soon as possible if you want to see results sooner.
When you become a regular, five times a week is the sweet spot for water aerobics! As we’ve said, it’s completely low impact, so you needn’t worry about risking injury as long as you take it slowly and gradually. Doing water aerobics five times a week will yield the best results, while also leaving plenty of time for your body to rest and relax between classes.
“Where can I find good group classes for aquatic fitness in San Diego?”
If your heart is settled on water aerobics, we totally get it – it’s great! But, you’re left with trying to find the perfect place to start practicing it and that can be troublesome. Luckily, it isn’t, not since there’s The Plunge San Diego!
The Plunge is a great place for starting or continuing your aqua aerobics journey. We’ve got a beautiful swimming pool, excellent amenities, as well as incredible staff who will make your every class memorable. So, if you’re ever near Belmont Park, stop by our place and check it out!